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Mofo Rc

Rock Rat Kit See Details

Rock Rat Kit See Details

Regular price $181.00 CAD
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This is the Rock Rat Kit from Mofo Rc for your Axial Scx24 READ THIS WHOLE GIANT DESCRIPTION!!!  DONT SPEED READ, AND PAY ATTENTION This may take a few days or a week to ship out once ordered. 

When an installation build video is available it will be available Here

This kit will include the Parts needed to convert your scx24 into a Super Sick looking Twin Motor Powered Rat Rod Rock Crawler! You will need to stock parts including a stock chassis from an scx24 and various screws to build this kit see below. You will dissassemble and rob the parts from your stock rig as needed to use for this. To see the contents of this kit read below. Build wheelbase is built around C10 / JLU / Bronco wheelbase but could be creatively stretched longer if you wanted to

This item is for the FULL KIT, We will offer Lesser kits in the future and other parts and more options for this current kit as well. The Printed parts included are from 2 different styles of printers,

The printed parts addressed as SLS are Laser sintered Nylon - Super durable and a matte black color. They are Sandable and Paintable to the color of your choice using whatever kinda paint you wanna use. The parts addressed as SLA are printed in 12K resolution out of Resin polymer with ABS like properties, Durable but not as durable as SLS, However way way way smoother and prettier than the finish of the SLS Printed parts. They are also sandable and Paintable. 

Included will be as follows.

* 12K SLA Rock Rat Body

* 12K SLA Magnetic Mounted Intake manifold with air cleaners and T-body

* SLS Nylon Front Clip with shock mounts built in

* SLS Nylon slider boards with built in Faux Headers and Magnetic body mounting with magnets

* SLS Nylon rear hinging body mount with shock mounts built in and rear mounted battery / electronics tray

* SLS Nylon battery / electronics mid mounted tray

* SLS Nylon TMT Twin Motor Transmission Case - Uses your SCX24 Guts and Spur gear either stock or aftermarket and are NOT included

* SLS Nylon Beef-Master Flat skid For TMT trans with built in caged upper link mounts

* 2X QTY Your choice Buzzsaw 050 2.0 motors 2s only OR TorqueBeast 050 3.0 motors 2s or 3s with 14T steel pinion gears installed, Buzzsaws will be faster than TB50s, But on 3s TB50 will pick up speed pretty good. Do not run 3s on the Buzzsaws. Will include High Clearance motor screw to mount the motors, They have large flat faces and are tiny phillips head screws, Dont overtightent them or you will smoosh the mount and render it useless. Set up your mesh correctly on both motors a little at a time leaving room for the spur gear to have a little bit of space between the 2 pinion gears, Then Remove 1 motor screw at a time and if so desired put a tiny drop of super glue on the screw and reinstall to hold everything locked in place. 

* NO LONGER INCLUDED - Motor harness splitter to run both motors off of the same ESC This is a ph2.0 connector with 3 ends. one end plugs into your esc motor output the other 2 will plug into your motors. This can be found online, We are currently out of them. It can also be made simply via cutting and splicing. 

* Driveshaft extenders in various lengths for use if you use stock driveshafts. Will likely require custom lengths as the transmission is not stock output shaft location 


You will need 3mm diameter screws X 10mm long, m3x10mm to mount the body to the rear hinging body mount, Dont overtighten them or the body will not open, When you first install it make sure to open the body slowly, Some slight rubbing may occur, Work it open and closed until it smoothes out. You may also need an assortment of various m1.4 screws, Such as M1.4x10mm M1.4x 8mm M1.4x6mm M1.4x5mm 

This Kit is 3d printed, However great the print quality and strength is now days do not destroy your rig on purpose.    /    Mounting the electronics and battery in ths small space can be a bit of a tight fit.   /    Paint the Body shell, It is SLA prited and for prolonged use outdoors needs some kind of UV protection plus it will look alot cooler, lithtly sand the body first for best results and finish   /   Use a drop of super glue then press the magnets into the tight fitting hole the magnets fit into, you may need pliers, There are 6 of them. MAKE SURE to check the polarity of the magnet and its sister magnet before installing them. If you do not the magnets may repel one another and once installed is near impossible to remove.    /    Sometimes a screw hole may appear not to be there or be deep enough, Just install screw anyways. If it doesnt go in all the way try pushing harder, If you are using an allen wrench you may consider buying better tools, Also you may consider purchasing a couple drill bits for use and for the future, 1.2mm , 1.3mm bits are great for making small holes larger for threading and 1.6mm bits for holes that do not need threaded.   /   This uses a stock frame, To use larger servos such as the servobeast, Nsdrc, Reefs, and others you may want to dremmel the front frame rails flat instead of c-channel and leave out the front most screws to clear the servo. Please ignore my terrible painting skills, I accidentally used textured paint to paint my side boards and intake in the pictures. 



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